WiFi Ads  

D~NET WiFi Ads is an offline to online media platform to connect with your customers via WiFi connection. You can target the right visitors at the right time, this way we can encourage new customers to engage with your brand. 

Contact us for more info

Advertising Process

Step 1

Customer connected to WiFi

Step 2

Customers are familiar with your brand

Step 3

Customers are served ads and interact with your content

Step 4

Customers are directed to websites, social media and other platforms


We provide more benefits for your needs

Unique Selling Proposition

You can reach visitors who match your target customers.

Image & Video Media

Run campaigns using the media you want.

Attract Customer

We provide organic traffic from our premises to your digital platform to create an end-to-end journey for users.

Selling Promotion

Provides you with alternative ways to increase sales.

Exclusive Ads Locations

Target visitors at desired Locations. All WiFi will be sponsored by your brand.

Custom Page

We provide a custom registration page for users to target people in specific locations to create brand awareness.

Looking for Dedicated Connectivity? 

Explore all of our services and get it to fill your business needs.