
This service is appropriate for companies that have branches in various parts of Indonesia that require a direct relationship between the head office and branch offices. Capacity & connection quality on par with a wired system, D~NET loop ensures smooth communication and exchange of company local data.

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We provide more benefits for your needs

Symmetric Bandwidth

Lets you get the most out of your connection .

CRM Support

Our CRM support service is ready to provide you with
information and service assistance.

Monitoring System

We continuously monitor the quality of your service

SLA 99%

Minimum downtime with a guaranteed SLA of 99.5%.

24/7 Technical Support

Technical service support is ready to assist you at any time.

D~NET Dashboard

Access for monitoring your internet bandwidth traffic to ticketing that can be used anywhere and anytime.

How to get  services  ?


a service


our sales team


contract signing


implementation device

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Explore all of our services and get it to fill your business needs.